Anyone that has taken a hard look at installing EV fast charging facilities that meet the requirements of the federal NEVI infrastructure program have likely come to realize very few sites truly have the grid power available that would be required to operate (4) 150 kW DC fast chargers at the same time. That is where the Gencell EVOX hydrogen fuel cell generator comes to the rescue.
This unit is a self contained power generation and storage unit that has 372KwH of storage and 240Kw of onsite generation in 24 hours. It provides the necessary output for the NEVI specified DC fast chargers. It could also be equipped to deliver 480v three phase output that could be used for standby power for other facilities or equipment should the need arise.
Standard equipment is a software suite that can be configured to work in concert with other power sources such existing grid, solar or wind. The software can also be utilized to perform peak shaving to avoid high time of day charges from the local utility or load balancing to seamlessly assist when demands are higher than a primary power source can provide. Lastly remote operation, monitoring and diagnostics are part of the base software package. All of this with zero carbon emissions and silent operation.
Should you decide you would like more information on this topic or others relating to hydrogen fuel cell generator applications please reach out to H2 Future Power today.
Ph: 262-287-0420, email: office@h2futurepower.com or web www.h2futurepower.com